Hydrogeological Evaluations
Monitor well installation, bedrock
fracture analysis, computer modeling of groundwater flow,
contaminant delineation, and determination of migration pathways.
Contamination Assessments
Soil and groundwater sampling, risk
assessments, risk based corrective actions, remedial
investigations/feasibility studies, phased environmental site assessments,
contaminant fate and transport
modeling, post closure monitoring plans, soil gas and indoor air
Remedial Engineering
Environmental oversight during underground
storage tank removals, evaluation and site closures, design, installation, and
operation and monitoring of groundwater and soil remediation systems;
hazardous waste and contaminated materials management plans.
Water Supply
Location of new groundwater sources, wellhead/source
protection plans, groundwater pumping tests, well field management,
aquifer protection plans, on-site sewage disposal design, biological
assessments, watershed management plans.
Legal Support
Expert legal testimony, second opinion studies, due
diligence environmental audits, third party reviews.
Surface Water Hydrology
Stream gauging, watershed analysis, aquifer
recharge studies, nitrate loading studies, river channel morphology, navigability
rights, wetland delineation, storm water management/pollution plans.
Residential Inspections
Performed under a subsidiary company of HES,
Home Evaluation Services, HES provides: complete residential
inspections, licensed termite inspections, potable water testing, radon testing,
lead paint testing and septic analysis services.
Environmental Insurance Claims
Environmental and fiscal oversight
provided on behalf of insurance carriers at petroleum hydrocarbon
contaminated sites to ensure proper cleanup. Oversight provided to
major insurance carriers at both residential and commercial sites to ensure compliance with
local, state, and federal regulation.
HES regularly enlists the services of independent
environmental and construction subcontractors on behalf of its clients.
HES is an independent consultant and offers subcontractor referrals as
a no-fee service to its clients to provide the most cost-effective
professional subcontractor services.
Subcontractors include: well/environmental drillers,
excavation/construction contractors, pump and water system contractors,
geophysical surveying companies, survey companies, environmental
equipment suppliers, and environmental laboratories.
Geoprobe Drilling Services
Geoprobe 54DT Drill Rig allows HES to conduct aerial and
vertical delineation of contaminants in soil and groundwater. Drill rig
operation and oversight is provided in the field by a qualified
hydrogeologist and/or environmental scientist. The Geoprobe is utilized to
install continuous or discrete 2.25-inch macro-core soil samples to depths
of 40 feet below grade (ftbg) as well as installing 1-inch to 1.5-inch wells
for groundwater monitoring or dewatering applications.
Mold & Indoor Air Quality Sampling
HES provides our customers with a variety of options for air quality
testing. We regularly sample for mold spores, assorted volatile organic
compounds as well as other aerosols and particulates of concern.